308. Be the voice of change feat. Coss Marte

308. Be the voice of change feat. Coss Marte

Learn how to be the voice of change in your industry Did you ever wish you had a second chance at something? Ever wonder what its like for someone who lives their whole life making sure other people get second chances? Today’s conversation is with Coss Marte who was in jail for 6 years, came out to start a business …

307. How grief can turn into a gift for your audience feat. Dr. Sherry Walling

307. How grief can turn into a gift for your audience feat. Dr. Sherry Walling

Learn how grief can be a gift for your audience Wondering how to have difficult conversations with your audience? Want to know how to approach it without getting onto a soapbox? This episode with Dr Sherry Walling goes into depths of how to approach talking about difficult topics on your podcast. Why it is important and the trust it builds …

Manage your podcast effectively

Manage your podcast effectively

In this article, I’m going to show you some ways to manage your podcast effectively. You’ll learn how to create a workflow that works for you, how to find your ideal voice and style, and how hosting on a good platform will help listeners find your podcast. Lastly, we’ll talk about some details that make all the difference in creating …

306. Manage your podcast effectively feat. Rob Walch

306. Manage your podcast effectively feat. Rob Walch

Learn how to manage your podcast effectively Did you want to become more efficient with your podcast? Did you want to learn from someone who is deep inside the podcasting world? From someone who sees more podcasts than .01% of the podcasters out there? Well, Rob Walch, who was inducted into the Podcasting Hall of Fame in 2016. He is …

Using your podcast as a business development tool

Using your podcast as a business development tool

Hey, It’s Ronsley! For many people, a podcast is about sharing their story or offering advice to others who might have similar experiences. But for those of us who work in business, it can also be a powerful tool for growing your network and building your brand. In this article we’ll look at how podcasts can help you grow your …

305. Using your podcast as a business development tool feat. James Orsini

305. Using your podcast as a business development tool feat. James Orsini

Learn how to use your podcast as a business development tool & repurpose your content I keep talking about the power of the podcast and how it needs to be seen as a business development tool rather than a content or marketing tool. This conversation will prove and explain my point. James Orsini is the president of the Sasha Group, …

Using a podcast to run a micro multimillion dollar business

304. Using a podcast to run a micro multimillion dollar business feat. Tina Tower

Learn how to power a micro-multimillion dollar business with your podcast Ever want to know the decisions that went into creating a multimillion dollar business from scratch with your podcast as the main pillar? This is for you. This episode has some insane tips and tricks and ideas on how you can use your podcast to grow your business. Tina …

303. Make content to motivate a village using your podcast feat. Shawn Walchef

303. Make content to motivate a village using your podcast feat. Shawn Walchef

Learn how to make content to motivate a village with your podcast Did you ever want to be unique by the content you create? Do you look at others and feel like they found their niche? Do you think it easy for certain people to make content but not for you? Well this episode is going to change all that …

john lee dumas

302. Simple idea into a business with a podcast feat. John Lee Dumas

Learn how to take a simple idea and turn it into a business with a podcast Did you ever want to really understand how you can start from a simple idea and turn it into a multimillion dollar a year business? And a business that keeps 80% of what it makes? Well here is the secret, there is common path …

301. How to launch a podcast brand

301. How to launch a podcast brand

Learn how to launch a podcast brand Ever wanted to know how to launch your podcast? What about launching your podcast as a brand? Launching your podcast as a brand will give you more bang for your buck and will dramatically increase the trust you build in your industry. This episode is packed filled with ideas, tactics and tricks you …

Make your podcast audience love you

300. Make your podcast audience love you

We stop ourselves from creating a podcast because we don’t know what to make. We don’t know what will make our audience love us. We struggle to link all the amazing things we’ve done into a podcast concept for a certain audience. All this leads to us creating just another generic podcast that everyone else has made before. Well, until …

298. Selling from your podcast

298. Selling from your podcast

Business has only 1 purpose. That is profit. To achieve profit selling is key. But how do you sell from your podcast without being too salesy or too vague with what you are creating. Its a topic that is important to gain perspective on for every business owner that has a podcast because there is no reason to just do …

Lead magnets for your podcast

10 Tips to make lead magnets for your podcast

Getting leads from your podcast needs a lead magnet to attract them. Ever since I started working on my podcast, I’ve been obsessed with the idea of doing something fun and engaging to build up a following. Essentially, this is a “lead magnet” for your podcast. When you think about it, an email list or database of subscribers is one …

Grow your podcast audience using Pinterest

297. Grow your podcast audience using Pinterest

Do you want to grow your audience on your podcast from Pinterest? This episode is for you because we cover how think about it, how to use its’ principles to get to know your audience better and make useful content for them. Which really is the key to your whole content strategy really. So, I guarantee you will get something …

Make your podcast audience love you

10 tips to make your podcast audience love you

Podcasting is a great way to connect with your audience and make them feel like they’re part of something. Use these 10 tips to help you grow a loyal following that will stick with you forever. 1. Know your audience The more you know your audience, the better you can make them love you. So here’s what to do: Know …

295. Business Development using a podcast with Cliff Ravenscraft

295. Business Development using a podcast with Cliff Ravenscraft

How do you use your podcast to build a business you love? Or more importantly, how do you use a podcast to grow your business by making it the most effective business development tool for your business. Today we have Cliff Ravenscraft in the house and we ask him some pretty interesting questions about using your podcast as a business …

How to avoid Podfade

294. How to avoid ‘PodFade’

Are you getting fatigued making your podcast? Are you thinking, there must be an easier way to sustain this podcast? Well, most of us go through the phase of requiring inspiration for sustaining our podcast, but also about funding the making of it. This conversation is entirely focused on that.  In this episode you will: Learn what it means as …

How to be a 'Professional Podcaster

293. Be a ‘Professional Podcaster’

As business owners starting our own podcast means lots of spinning plates and moving parts. In the pursuit of keeping all those plates spinning, we might forget what it means to be a professional podcaster. This conversation is entirely focused on that.  In this episode you will: Learn what it means to be a ‘Professional Podcaster’ Understand how to avoid …

Lead magnets for your podcast

292. Lead magnets for your podcast

As business owners with a podcast, one of our main goals is to get our listeners that are prefect fits, to raise their hands and say – “Hey, I want to work with you. I think you can help me”. This episode is all about that. How do you create something of value and transformation that gets your ideal client …

branding your podcast for more sales

291. Branding your podcast for more sales

Coming up in this Should I Start A Podcast episode … As business owners, our main goal is profit. But, how do we do that with consistency?  The answer is Branding. When you have your branding assets sorted, all your content comes across with consistency of tone, look & feel. That builds trust. How you build trust with your branding …

290 Getting your next 1000 listeners landscape

290. Getting your next 1000 listeners

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …

Business Partnerships with your podcast

289. Business partnerships with your podcast

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …

How to make money with your podcast

Business owners – This is how to make money with your podcast

Yesterday I released a new episode on Should I Start A Podcast which was all about making money from your podcast. If you land up listening, you will: Learn how different business owners make money from their podcast Hear the misconceptions about making money from your podcast Take a deeper look at how to sustain the podcast creatively and financially …

288. Making money with your podcast

288. Making money with your podcast

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …

287 Asking of your audience Should I Start A Podcast

287. Asking of your audience

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …

286 Should I Start A Podcast good sounding podcast

286. Making a good sounding podcast Part 2

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …

Making a good sounding podcast

285. Making a good sounding podcast Part 1

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …


284. Growing our podcasts

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …


283. Upgrading Your Podcast Listeners into Business Clients

Having worked with thousands of business owners to create a podcast for their business, I’ve created The Recurring Results Roadmap for Podcasters™. It’s a step-by-step guide to growing your business to 7+ figures using your podcast. Importantly, it removes the guesswork so you know exactly what to focus on at all times to generate that recurring revenue. The best part? …


282. Tricks to increase podcast downloads

Increase podcast downloads is always a priority, no matter where you are in the podcasting game. So how do you up those downloads in ways that make sense? On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast…. Even seasoned podcasters are looking for tips to increase their downloads. What’s the point in making stellar audio content if no one is …


281. Tactics to grow your podcast audience

Getting more listeners is something all podcasters spend a great deal of time and energy on. But how do you grow your podcast audience in an authentic, organic way that actually works? On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast…. Growing your podcast audience is about focusing on the individual listener. When it comes to getting more listeners to …


280. Podcast for business

Your podcast is a fantastic marketing tool for your business. But you need to know what you’re doing to be able to create that mutualism. On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast…. Use your podcast as a display case for your business. This superstar Clubhouse panel examined the best strategies for benefiting your business through your podcast. While …

182. 7 Things You Can Do Today That Will Pay Off on Your Podcast Forever with Darren Rowse

Are you a procrastinator? 20% of adults claim to be prone to procrastination, and I suspect that percentage is even higher among creatives and entrepreneurs. What if you could work around your procrastination and get some simple things done that could pay off forever? Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of …

181. How to Identify Your Podcast Niche with Clint Salter

Knowing your niche when developing and marketing your podcast can go a long way to making all your hard work pay off. But how do you identify your niche? Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast; build an audience, …

180. What to Consider When Starting a Podcast with Clarissa Rayward

Thinking about starting a podcast? There are a few things you should consider first, and it may not be what you’re thinking. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast; build an audience, and how to keep them hungry for …

Audio source missing

179. Take Your Podcast From Mediocre to Magical with Carla and Emma Papas

Happiness doesn’t have to be an unattainable fairy tale that only happens for some people and not you. What if by just implementing a few key principals into your everyday routine, you could find happiness and change your entire life? Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest …

178. Andrew Griffiths on Giving People the Choice to Have a Voice

Podcasts are amplifying millions of voices around the world. They are the amphitheatres of our time, and the conversations that we are having are creating waves, starting revolutions and instigating great change for listeners and communities alike. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why …

177. Being Fearless, Moving Beyond a ‘No’ and Following Up with Adam Franklin

Inviting guests onto your show, particularly if you’re just starting out, can be nerve-wracking. But it certainly doesn’t have to be.  Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast, build an audience, and how to keep them hungry for more.  …

176. Aaron Fifield on Getting a Sponsor for Your Podcast, Building Your Brand and Creating an Essential Show

Podcasting is a fantastic way to get your voice and brand out into the world, however, there is an exchange of time required to get your podcast out each week. What if you could find a way to have your podcast pay for itself? Let’s talk sponsorships. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with …

173. Trevor Young on Finding Your Narrative, Leveraging Your Personality and Being Omnipresent Online

What’s it mean to be omnipresent online? How do you become omnipresent while still remaining authentic? Two important questions to answer if you’d like to build your online presence and gain more podcast listeners. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start …

172. Facebook, Lookalike Marketing and Targeting the Right Audience with Phil McGregor

Making your podcast is only part of the process. online pharmacy buy isotroin online with best prices today in the USA Once you’ve created your amazing content, you need to get people to listen and buy your product. This is a 24/7 job, but thankfully Facebook can do it for you. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast, where each …

171. Petra Jones on Global Reach, Social Media Strategies and Creating Successful Podcasts

Starting a podcast from scratch can feel like you’re staring into the void, and when you add being an introvert into that swirling mix, then you’re primed for failure, right?  Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast; build an …

170. Tyson Franklin on Building a Quality Podcast, Working Smart and Harnessing the Power of Relationships

Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast; build an audience, and how to keep them hungry for more. If you’re thinking about starting a podcast or simply looking for a better way to get your message out to your …