12: How do you decide between your passion podcast and your business podcast with Warrick Bidwell

Warrick Bidwell grew up son of a tradie builder. Warrick had planned to follow in his father’s footsteps and join his building business,  but after some encouragement he instead became first of his extended family to attend university. After attending the university Warrick went on to work for some of Australia’s biggest companies in accounting and sales roles, eventually leading …

11: Your first 10k downloads and how to deal with major egos with Chris and Laci

The Cerrone Show is a top ranked business podcast specifically for entrepreneurs and anyone looking to make a change in their life. The Chris Cerrone Show is an audio podcast hosted by Chris Cerrone and Laci Urcioli. Wanting to bring some new names to the podcasting world they have interviewed some fantastic entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and awesome people. Guests that are the movers …

10: Business Addicts and how to create a real following through your podcast with Fiona and Loren

Business Addicts is a collaboration between Loren Bartley from Impactiv8 and Fiona Redding from The Happiness Hunter. Their podcast is for anyone that is addicted to business with the aim to helps fellow Business Addicts build a business that supports a life that they love, rather than a business that controls their life! They achieve this by providing a balance of strategies, tips and …

9: Profitable Hospitality and how to best interview your guest with Ken Burgin

Ken Burgin has been actively involved in hospitality for more than 25 years. First as the owner of Caffe Troppo in Sydney, and then working with restaurants, hotels and cafes in an advisory role. His resource website ProfitableHospitality.com is used by business owners and managers all around the world. Ken likes to use webinars and podcasts as another way to …

8: Power Stories and how to succeed in the digital age with Valerie Khoo

Valerie Khoo  is an author, speaker and multi-passionate entrepreneur with several growing businesses under her belt. She is a prolific content creator who has steadily built her public profile over a period of years by personally engaging with her online community, not to mention adding value in the form of words (blog posts), audio (podcasting) and video. I regard Valerie as …

6: The importance of listening and 5 technology shortcuts to improve your life with Rey Brown

Rey Brown recalls working at Circuit City in 2003 when he was transferred to the mobile phone department. It was around the time the first BlackBerry® phone hit the market. Little did he know then that he would eventually be devoting a good amount of his time discussing mobile technology via podcasting, a term virtually unheard of a decade or so …

Your audio recording is paramaount

Your audio recording is paramaount

In this video I talk about 2 most important things: Making sure you record on seperate channels when you interview your guest And, checking your levels as well as your guest’s audio quality

5: Improve your brand with a podcast featuring Trevor Young

Trevor Young have worked in public relations and communications for over 20 years. Joining the industry after five years as a journalist in country Victoria, he proceeded to work with some of Australia’s biggest consulting firms including Professional Public Relations (PPR), The Rowland Company and Porter Novelli. In 1998 he co-founded Spark Communications Group with Richard Chapman, a former colleague from Porter Novelli. …

4: Great marketing and how to build brilliant relationships with Robert Gerrish

Robert Gerrish has done a lot for the entrepreneurs of Australia. Soon after Saatchi & Saatchi bought his independent marketing agency in 1989, Robert ran off to do his own thing. Focusing primarily on youth brands, Robert made a couple of sideline forays into the world of art and music before moving from London to Sydney. He finally succumbed to soloism with the …

3: The 80-20 Podcasting Rule and how to be original with Scott Webber

Scott Webber is a Podcaster and Podcast Evangelist from the Greater Vancouver area. He is the creator of one of the top ranked podcast in iTunes – “Not Bad For Dad Podcast”, with listeners in over 85 countries and monthly downloads in the tens of thousands. “Not Bad For Dad” is a resource created to help Dads adopt skills, develop …

2: Podcasting freedom and how to build a multimillion dollar podcast business with John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, awarded ‘Best of iTunes 2013′. John interviews today’s most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs 7-days a week and has been featured in Forbes, INC, & TIME Magazine. John has turned EntrepreneurOnFire into a business that generates over $200,000 a month & shares all the detials via his monthly income reports at …

1: The Intro Session – Should I Start A Podcast

Introducing the show This is a podcast that will help you answer the question, “Should I Start a Podcast”. If you have a personal brand or a business and you’d like understand whether this is a platform you should consider, then this is the podcast for you. Also, if you are a new podcaster and have just started your show, …

Make Me A Podcaster Post Workshop Content

Slides Make me a podcaster Day 1 Make me a podcaster Day 2   Videos How to install Blurry PowerPress Plugin on your WordPress Website How to make sure your hardware is connected properly How to make sure your audio channels and audio hardware is correctly done in Adobe Audition Mp3 Tagging – How to make sure its done right …

The “Blogger to Podcaster = Better Business” Webinar Recording

This is a recording of the Blogger to Podcaster = Better Business Webinar. In this webinar we cover: The basics of what is a podcast and the different types of shows The 10 reasons why every blogger should create their own podcast The answers to some important questions Check out the recording below.

How to get your guests to promote your podcast

How to get your guests to promote your podcast

My friend Jessica Rhodes who runs Interview Connections and is in such service to the podcasting community that I recommend every podcaster follow her. Just like I do. You can listen to our conversation about podcasting by going here – 20. Podcast statistics, passions, and the podcast producers with Jessica Rhodes. We have an in-depth discussion on the state of podcasting …

The FREE audio library you've always wanted

The FREE audio library you’ve always wanted

I do get asked this question a lot. online pharmacy rybelsus online with best prices today in the USA Where can I get some FREE audio sample that I can use in my podcasts. Well, look no further than YouTube’s audio library. Here are some of my notes: It will tell you if you can use an audio file for …

Libsyn deal

Thanks to John Lee Dumas and the peeps at Entrepreneur on Fire, all We Are Podcast members can get 2 months OFF their Libsyn hosting. online pharmacy buy fluoxetine online with best prices today in the USA Follow these steps: Go here to signup Add the code FIRE where it says “Have a promo code?” Note this: You will receive the rest …

31. Getting the excitement of podcasting to the people on the Gold Coast with Drew Kruck

31. Getting the excitement of podcasting to the people on the Gold Coast with Drew Kruck

Drew worked in and out of Titan Sheds for the last 25 years and recently created Titan Lite Shed Parts within the Titan Group Of Companies which is a large success for Titan’s 100,000 strong customer base. Drew realised he knew alot of people and felt like he could talk to anyone about anything. So he started a podcast show …

30. Almost 500 podcast episodes, millions of downloads and lots of customers and sponsors with Vinnie Tortorich

30. Almost 500 podcast episodes, millions of downloads and lots of customers and sponsors with Vinnie Tortorich

Vinnie Tortorich, is an author, radio and podcast host, fitness trainer, model, and international motivational speaker based in Beverly Hills, California.His career began in New Orleans, Louisiana after he graduated from Tulane University. He became a fitness trainer while living in New Orleans, and hosted a top rated radio show on WSMB. He also worked at Newman High School in …

29. Podcasting, Periscope and the Youpreneur within each one of us with Chris Ducker

29. Podcasting, Periscope and the Youpreneur within each one of us with Chris Ducker

Chris Ducker is a British businessman, the founder and CEO of Live2Sell Group and Virtual Staff Finder Companies in the Philippines. Chris is also the author of “Virtual Freedom.” He was suffering from this ‘Superhero Syndrome’ in 2009, but by the end of 2010 he had cured himself and in the process was building his business faster and in a …

Being a Family Man, Building an Online Emperor, and Giving Value to Others with Pat Flynn

Being a Family Man, Building an Online Emperor, and Giving Value to Others with Pat Flynn

Entrepreneurial Heart Health—A Heart of Gold Article by: Chet Turnbeaugh (As heard on Episode 68 of the Bond Appétit Podcast with Master Chef, Ronsley Vaz) In today’s world of sharing and collaboration we find that the more we give, the more we get. Pat Flynn, serial entrepreneur, online mastermind, and inspirational business podcast host has mastered the art of providing …

28. ConversionCast Host and the voice of Leadpages marketing Tim Paige talks about his Podcasting journey

28. ConversionCast Host and the voice of Leadpages marketing Tim Paige talks about his Podcasting journey

Tim Paige is the host of ConversionCast, the new podcast from the prevalent organization LeadPages. He is known in numerous circles of solopreneurs, business people, online advertisers, partner advertisers and so forth. Everybody in that world knows him as one of the kick-ass fellows bringing us LeadPages and their podcast, ConversionCast. Furthermore, when you hear him discuss about opt-in pages, …

We Are Podcast Group Cover

We Are Podcast Podcasters

Here is a collection of the podcasts that are part of the We Are Podcast Facebook Group. Looking for a list of great podcasts to check out, here is a comprehensive one. If you would like to get on this list: Like our Facebook Page here – https://www.facebook.com/wearepodcast Join our Facebook Group here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/wearepodcast/ Add your podcast link to the pinned …

We Are Podcast - The Program Outline... Event Update

27a. We Are Podcast – The Program Outline… Event Update

Day 1: November 7 Opening Session 8:30 – 10:55 am ‘Start with your WHY: How to build everything you do around your purpose’ with Ronsley Vaz audioBoom presents ‘The art of storytelling: Why it is so important for every podcast host and how to tailor it into your episodes’ with Andrew Griffiths Gravity CoWorking presents ‘Reach the people that count: …

27. How to create the perfect podcast and a system to get your best clients with Taki Moore

27. How to create the perfect podcast and a system to get your best clients with Taki Moore

Taki is the creator of Marketing Machine. He assists with creation of leads for coaches so that they avoid burnout.  His system creates leads and helps a coach leverage their time with mentorship programs. Since 2004, Taki Moore has been the go-to-guy for coaches when they need to book appointments, fill seminars, and sign clients quickly. Taki works with business and executive …

26. How to talk with the key influencers and find great guests for your podcast with Foundr chief Nathan Chan

26. How to talk with the key influencers and find great guests for your podcast with Foundr chief Nathan Chan

While still in his mid-twenties, Nathan Chan felt there were no business magazines that he could relate to. He wanted to read something that delved deep into the world of a successful entrepreneur, showing their processes, failures, obstacles and challenges. And one that ultimately taught others straight from the mouths of the best in the world. Wanting to personally discover …