71. On The “I’m Lovin’ Ya Work” Podcast with Rowan MacKey

Rowan MacKey in an aspiring journalist and broadcaster. He’s still 23 years of age and lives in South Geelong, Victoria, Australia. He went to University of Canberra, one of Australia’s top universities for getting a job. As Rowan was starting his adventure outside of school, he was curious about the things that he has been seeing in society. Having a lot …

Business Podcast

25. Your Business Podcast Should Be an Authentic Expression of You – feat. The Merry Maker Sisters

Emma and Carla Papas are an energetic pair of well-being mentors, genuine food recipe developers and bliss bloggers; or, as they like to call themselves, full-time Merrymakers. They like to teach everyone how to blissfully grow and develop a successful business podcast with raving fans along the way. The talented duo is devoted to showing individuals how to locate their …

business podcast

22. Co-working, Entreprenurial Energy & The Gravity of Business Podcast with Jacqui Esdaile

Jacqui Esdaile works for Valmont, an Australian design, project management and construction company responsible for interiors. Jacqui’s role as Creative Director employs her full range of creative and business podcast skills. She ensures every project is given due planning and consideration and the outcome is a true blend of form and function. As part of the Senior Management Team, Jacqui …

12: How do you decide between your passion podcast and your business podcast with Warrick Bidwell

Warrick Bidwell grew up son of a tradie builder. Warrick had planned to follow in his father’s footsteps and join his building business,  but after some encouragement he instead became first of his extended family to attend university. After attending the university Warrick went on to work for some of Australia’s biggest companies in accounting and sales roles, eventually leading …