7 ways to use a podcast to improve the ROI of your business

7 ways to use a podcast to improve the ROI of your business

A lot of the times we forget how important it is to measure the Return on Investment (ROI) for the things we do. We invest time, money and energy into nice-to-do activities which make us feel like we are busy but they are just activities. They don’t contribute to whatever goal we are trying to achieve. And, a podcast definitely …

2. Changing our conditioned perspective, Making an impact, and the success of variety with Michaela Clark

2. Changing our perspective, making an impact, & the success of variety with Michaela Clark

In this episode we talk about: Why Michaela decided to create a podcast On demand media How does Michaela find guests for the show The success of variety How to get out of your own way How to get your message out Launching your podcast Sponsorship for your podcast Time management Commitment Difference between blogging and podcasting Impact of creating a …

How any niche can create a meaningful following

How any niche can create a meaningful following

A podcast that puts you to sleep. WHAT?! The more I find out, the more my belief in the podcast medium increases. And, if you think that you have a business that can’t create a podcast, I really beg you to rethink your beliefs. For example, with every single podcaster on the planet looking at how they can create the …

1. Unleashed opportunities, creating more than a product, & the intimacy of podcasting with Greg Barth

1. Unleashed opportunities, creating more than a product, & the intimacy of podcasting with Greg Barth

In this episode we talk about: Get outside comfort zone Endless opportunities unleased How to get ahead of the trend Connecting with other people Believing in yourself On Demand Media The Gold Rush of Podcasting Fitness Mindset Motivation Being unique, making your business stand out Revenue of Podcasting Establishing a Network Mistakes of podcasting Creating a brand for yourself P90X …

7 reasons why the podcast medium is going to explode

7 reasons why the podcast medium is going to explode

I don’t get asked this question as much as I thought I would, but I do believe that it is one that I gives people a perspective of understanding. These reasons allow a business owner, an entrepreneur, or a blogger to pivot their view on the world of content consumption. 1. The multitasking element People don’t have time to stop what …

7 quick and cheap reasons why you should create a podcast

7 quick and cheap reasons why you should create a podcast

I owe the thinking behind this article to James Tuckerman, who asked the right questions to help me see things from a different angle. There are so many feel-good reasons why you should start a podcast. But, here are the reasons why a podcast will save you money as well as save you time. These are the 7 quick and …

Is podcasting back from the dead?

Is podcasting back from the dead?

No, this is no eulogy. Back in January 2008, Michael Geoghegan gave the infamous presentation titled, “Podcasting is Dead“. He gave this presentation at a very well renowned conference called New Media Expo. He was a kinda twisted though, because his presentation wasn’t really talking about the death of podcasting, but something entirely different. He was referring to how unprofitable podcasters …

7 steps to create your own podcast

7 steps to create your own podcast

With anything you do, there is always a process that other-people-have-followed way. Or, the other do-what-I-feel, haphazard way. This set of steps has taken me a long time to implement, reverse engineer and then confirm with a whole bunch of high profile podcasters. So, I am very confident in saying that if you are creating a podcast, your best chance …

5 problems that starting a podcast will solve

5 problems that starting a podcast will solve

Have you ever considered starting your own podcast? Do you currently listen to a podcast you really love and dream about doing the same? Well, that was my story. I used to consume podcasts and audio books like they were going out of style. They inspired me. They got me thinking about different points of view that I hadn’t ever thought …

Podcasting - show me the money (1)

Podcasting – show me the money

Whenever I mention that I have an award winning food podcast that has been on the charts, and that I get on average 5,000 listens a day, I always get asked this question next. “So Ronsley, how do you make money with this? How does this translate to your bottom line?” Well my young grasshopper, even though I don’t use …

7 reasons that stop entrepreneurs from podcasting

7 reasons that stop entrepreneurs from podcasting

It is because of a good friend of mine Andrew Griffiths that asked the question, that made me go back and think about the conversations I had with people. I went back and thought about the resistance that fired off in our brains when it came to creating a podcast. I remembered my resistance. Here are my seven … 1. …