341. Speaking with authority and authenticity feat. Cat Matson

341. Speaking with authority and authenticity feat. Cat Matson

Learn how to speak up better and with confidence Speaking with authority and confidence is a skill that can be developed over time with practice and dedication. It involves overcoming the fear of being judged or rejected by others and finding your unique voice and style. Effective speakers understand their audience, tailor their message to their needs, and use storytelling …

15. Podcasting, Speaking, and having your personal brand with Trevor Young

15. Podcasting, Speaking, and having your personal brand with Trevor Young

Trevor Young have worked in public relations and communications for over 20 years. Joining the industry after five years as a journalist in country Victoria, he proceeded to work with some of Australia’s biggest consulting firms including Professional Public Relations (PPR), The Rowland Company and Porter Novelli. In 1998 he co-founded Spark Communications Group with Richard Chapman, a former colleague from Porter Novelli. …