75. Rebroadcast: How to Get the Best out of Your Podcast Interview with Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is the former co-host of an award-winning and nationally syndicated morning show, an award-winning production director and copywriter, and the creator and host of the successful Read to Lead Podcast where he has interviewed a number of New York Times bestselling authors including Dan Miller, Daniel Pink, Chris Brogan, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Simon Sinek just to name a …

25. Coming from traditional radio to podcasting and why audio quality is so important with Karly Nimmo

25. Coming from traditional radio to podcasting and why audio quality is so important with Karly Nimmo

Karly’s is host of the very popular business podcast, Karlosophies and is founder of Killer Kopy and Radcasters Podcasting S’cool.   A born communicator, she’s an ex-radio jock, producer & copywriter, current in-demand Voice Over Artist and has run her successful Voice Over Agency (Killer Kopy) for over a decade. There’s a pretty slim chance you haven’t heard her voice. …