I recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Get More Success Podcast, where I was grilled about my own entrepreneurial journey, how to set up a successful podcast and top marketing techniques. And the guy who was asking me about all this was Warwick Merry – AKA ‘The Get More Guy’.
Warwick’s own journey has been pretty awesome. Not only is Warwick a great podcaster, he’s also a professional speaker, consultant, coach and trainer known for his high-energy presentations and seminars. Warwick’s whole thing is getting more out of life, and he helps his clients – who are from all types of different industries – achieve this with incredible results. You’re definitely going to get a lot out of this if you’re interested in improving the quality of your marketing technique, and the content your business outputs.
In this episode, we get into all of this and more…
- Ronsley’s reputation as ‘The Podcast Guru’
- The value of disruption and what you can achieve with it
- Ronsley’s definition of success
- The We Are Podcast conference – how it came about and where it’s going
- The things Ronsley wished he’d known when he first started out in business
- Running events: Ronsley’s tips on how to successfully organise and make money from doing so
- The origins of Ronsley’s business, Amplify, which converts conversation into content
- How leveraging content plays a major part in marketing your podcast
- Ronsley’s book, Amplify, and his 7-step methodology to marketing
- The difference between marketing video and audio content
- The next trends in podcasting
- The secret to great podcasting, and why concept takes precedence over the tech side
Website: http://warwickmerry.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WarwickMerry
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/warwickmerry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarwickMerry
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+WarwickMerry
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GetMoreGuy
Amazon: Amplify: Raise Your Voice, Boost Your Brand and Grow Your Business
What I Didn’t Learn at School but Wish I Had
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