31. Getting the excitement of podcasting to the people on the Gold Coast with Drew Kruck

31. Getting the excitement of podcasting to the people on the Gold Coast with Drew Kruck

Drew worked in and out of Titan Sheds for the last 25 years and recently created Titan Lite Shed Parts within the Titan Group Of Companies which is a large success for Titan’s 100,000 strong customer base.

Drew realised he knew alot of people and felt like he could talk to anyone about anything. So he started a podcast show and advertised it all over the world; Gold Coast vs Drew Kruck. “Everyone Good, who were once bad, tell a great story”

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Titan garage started and become successful?
  • Drew Kruck experiences working in Titan garage
  • How they become popular through their different marketing tv ads
  • How his father made himself top in the industry?
  • Running a business through different countries
  • How they keep the beauty of the company through the years
  • The advantages of podcasting that have something to do with their business
  • The ultimate lifestyle for Drew Kruck
  • What are the achievement he has managed to achieve doing a podcast?
  • Choosing to meet on podcast and talking to positive people
  • Producing a podcast with Steve Dart and speaks about Entrepreneurs everyday
  • The best part of life living which is fulfilling
  • His struggle relaxing at home
  • Podcasting as the next level of Drew’s personal life
  • The connection and form massive networking with great people through podcasting
  • The amazing feeling done by podcasting
  • The positive energy to pass on to people which is massive
  • Leaving every stories behind through podcasting in digital world
  • Why podcasting is exploding?
  • The Gold Coast Bulletin
  • The ability of podcasting to change your moods and avoid negativity
  • Learning something new with all the podcast Audio books
  • Podcasting is a good place to be whenever there are great conversations
  • What podcast shows that he listens to?
  • The importance of storytelling when doing a podcast

What are the most important things to consider?

You know what I found with listening to podcasting, and when you say you can’t listen to music anymore, I’m the same, because I stop listening to the radio. I can’t work on the computer all day and listening to my own CD’s because my mind gets carried away of times and places we heard, that happens to everyone but if I’m eavesdropping to a conversation just like this where people are honest, and just storytelling, it goes back and forth, I can actually work and people around me can work and we’re locked in.

I really found that there’s no pressure on myself really and just keep a conversations going and human brains just want to eaves drop perhaps.

Which podcast should I follow, why and how often?

There are about seven. Like I said The Joe Rogan experience. Another comedian Bill Burr. He has a money morning podcast and He’s just sort of an angry guy. He’s kind a like my dad. He doesn’t have guests. He’s quite popular. I guess I always kind listen to a few and got ride into Dave Jackson. The school of podcasting. I’m always playing that on Sunday nights while I barbecue some ribs or something. I find that sort of neutralizes me if I listen to podcasters, you know tips podcasting. It’s funny how you get to know someone’s voice then after a while you don’t judge them at all. They just a part of your mind and now here you is being a great interviewer. I’ll go for blast of some comedy. The legion of skanks. He’s the reason I know to these particular comedy podcast, is kind of what I actually want to happen in a gold coast. A place to land for a musicians.

Where to find Drew Kruck


Website: http://goldcoastvsdrewkruck.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewkruck

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Coast-vs-Drew-Kruck-Podcast-1623177544579767/

Linkedin:  https://au.linkedin.com/pub/drew-kruck/56/bb7/871


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