
47. 5 productive tools that make every podcasters’ life better with Yenny Stromgren

Photographer Yenny Stromgren offers commercial, portraiture, fashion and editorial photography for companies and publications.
When Yenny is not working on commissioned assignments, consumed by one of many photographic projects or doing interviews for her podcast and blog, Everyday Light Warriors, you can see her long boarding or just enjoying the waves with her boys.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Yenny Stromgren’s story of coming to Australia 16 years ago
  • Her love of photography
  • Australian culture and people
  • How Yenny became an accidental podcaster
  • How podcasting uplifted her spirit as she experienced a crisis in her life
  • How she gathered her friends together and interviewed them about positivism just to inspire herself
  • How she joined the We are Podcast community
  • The launch of the Everyday Light Warriors podcast
  • Yenny’s mission to inspire people and the world through interviewing people about challenges and happiness
  • Her achievements and wins as a result of starting a podcast
  • How she really pushed the boundaries of her fears
  • How she learned to speak clearly
  • Overcoming the fear of contacting people to be on her podcast show
  • The passion of doing a podcast
  • How she loves using apps and learnt everything about the technical side of podcasting
  • The functions of Zapya, Boomerang and Trello apps
  • How she likes using the Convert kit app and Calendly to save time
  • Avoiding procrastination and asking for help
  • The importance of conversations and getting feedback from people
  • The importance of saying thank you
  • Asking for recommendations from interviewees to get more guests for the show
  • How she found her life’s purpose through doing a podcast
  • Her interest in listening to stories from the heart

What would have made your podcast journey easier knowing what you know now?

Just do it and stop procrastinating and ask for help more. Also, I get a few emails from people listening to the show. I don’t think it’s about numbers, I think it’s about the conversation and feedback from people. And now if a person emails me, I call them back. And I try to chat to them and see what they like and what they don’t like about the show. I think that’s so important because they are your listeners. “

When someone is considering a podcast as a medium, how do they know if it’s for them?

This is for anyone thinking about doing a podcast: you should do because it’s your passion. Otherwise, you can’t do it. You shouldn’t do it.”

How complicated is it to do a podcast?

You have no clue how many times I redid things. For one show, I think I spent four hours doing the intro and outro because I was so nervous. On the technical side, I always loved the apps and learning things. I’ve learned everything so I don’t outsource anything yet because I believe I had to learn the craft first. So, it’s just about having a system and then I can outsource the boring bits. You know I’ve learned. Even my website, I do that myself with the show notes, my blog, and everything. “

What are the most important things to consider?

  • As a I started as an accidental podcaster, I didn’t really have the avatar, I didn’t have any purpose who I was talking to. And now I found that person in my audience.
  • Also, say thank you to people and people will help you along the way. I think it’s important to ask the people you interview for others who they can recommend. As you do that, and as you interview people, you kind of get more and more interesting people and high profile people as well. Because you get recommendations, and it’s so much easier to get a yes.

Which podcast should I follow, why and how often?

“I love the Wellness Guys, they also have the Wellness Couch just because I like to listen to the episode when the three of them just chat because I can’t stop laughing. They really boost my happiness and of course they’re very clever and very happy. One guy there, I really like and his name is Ted Ryce. He’s got a show called Legendary Life. He’s been through a lot and now he’s helping many people.

“Also, I love Blog Millionaire, Brandon Gaille. He’s giving so much value. He talks about how little people use the personal messages in Instagram. He’s amazing.

“Also Jenish Pandya, The key to Authority. I really like his podcast. He’s a systemising guru. He’s very good. I learnt a lot from him.”

“Also Bond Appetit. I love it. You have food there, people, business and you learn so much.”

“Recently, I listened to the Sandra Forster interview. I really liked that one as well.”

Where to find Yenny Stromgren


Website: http://www.everydaylightwarriors.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everydaylightwarriors

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stromgrenyenny

Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+YennyStromgren

LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/yenny-stromgren-9b41b160

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