
Dear Business Owner,

You asked for the download, and right now it's on its way to your inbox.

Once you get that email, click the gold button to download it. And when you've downloaded the tool your next step is to use it. 

If you have a podcast and are really invested in getting leads and clients from it in an accelerated manner watch the 2 minute video below.

To your success,



What's on the inside of We Are Podcast Members? 

Tools to make tasks easy

Ever wanted a tool that could get you on 100 podcasts in 100 days? Or, a tool to sort out your podcast strategy in 20 minutes? We've made it for you.

Templates for speed & quality

Ever thought, "I wish I could just copy and personalise email, social, and website copy templates?" Yeah, we have all the copy templates you need.

Tactics & tips for standing out

With our unique method, we've helped thousands of business owners grow their businesses and stand out from their competitors using a podcast. 

Coaching for focus

The most important thing for you is knowing what to focus on and making sure you’re accountable to getting it done. That’s how you get recurring results.

Community for belonging

We have an amazing community of business owners who are growing, learning, and teaching. Once you’re in, you’ll realise this is exactly where you belong.